Happy Birthday to ME!

It’s my birthday this week. Me and mum decided to make “THE BIG” announcement on my post. On November 2nd, I will be One Year Old! (Imagine that!)It’s been an interesting year when I think back about it. I came to live here with mum and we wintered very well. The summer was too hot at times and I didn’t like to cuddle with mum for any length of time. She thought that I just didn’t want to cuddle anymore but that was not true. It was simply that it was too hot to get my cuddles in (that’s what happens when you wear a fur coat.) But I’m back to it again.

I’ve decided that I will get rid of the name, Scribe, and just continue calling her Mum.

I’m still trotting paper balls into the bathroom for mum to throw, and mum tries to get that odd curve ball in every once in a while.  I continue to play in the bathtub too, it has such a nice sound when my feet hit the floor. And every time I hear the toilet flush, it’s like the sound of the starter’s pistol, I’m off like a “shot”. ***snort, 😉 .

Mum gets after me about picking up my toys but I always pretend I don’t hear her. I love to grab the toys out of the basket and play for a few minutes, then I’m back to the basket for another toy. They’re all over the living room and mum is always ‘tsk, tsk’ing about it, then goes around the room picking the toys up and dropping them back into the basket, where I proceed to go and get them BACK out of the basket. (**tee hee.)

Mum has also become my drug dealer. She got me hooked on a new drug. The street name is “nip”. I hope that all you cat lovers don’t do this to your little ones. It’s terrible to be hooked on “nip”. I’m going to try my best to get off of it but only time will tell. ….sigh, but at least you know that the “stuff” is good quality… (I may have to go into rehab.)

All in all, it’s been a great year and I am so looking forward to the next one. I’ll try to remember as much as I can so I can relate it to you, but you’ll have to find out for yourselves when I post on my second birthday.

Thanks for dropping by, we hope you enjoyed your visit. If you liked this post, would you leave a comment? And if you really liked it, could you maybe “like & share” the post? We’d really appreciate it. Thanks again!

Meow for now.

12 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to ME!

  1. Janet says:

    Happy birthday u little Luna-tic!!!! Lol. Now I know why u have that name! Be nice to your old mom and don’t make her pick up all your toys all day long. Talk to you later!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. allangilmour says:

    The very best wishes for your birthday Luna from Mr Midnight, Sir Winston and myself.
    My two furry friends and myself over at the “Gilmours Nice Place” blog hope you have a wonderful time.
    Mr Midnight says that he bets you were “over the moon” about your 1st year celebrations.
    Sir Winston adds; well you would be “over the moon” having been named “Luna” wouldn´t you.
    Meow, purr purr and happy birthday wishes from the three of us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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